Mission & Values

Helping students achieve their goals by increasing their math skills to change their trajectory, ultimately, to position them to access careers, opportunities and resources that lead them to better outcomes.

Students in marginalized communities often times may not see themselves in STEAM professions (science, technology, engineering, arts, math), or as doctors, nurses, and numerous other professional careers due to low math scores in school. Research shows that consistent, personalized tutoring, can help students to develop their confidence, reduce anxiety, and lead them to stronger math skill outcomes.

Schedule for Free Consultation by clicking the link.



“Working with Donnell has improved my algebra grade and my confidence with dealing with complicated equations. As I prepare to enter high school I will have the schools to help me be successful.”

— Syd, Grade 9, Client Testimonial

“I am sincerely impressed by Donnell’s tutoring service. My son that is 7 has learned multiplication and division in an hour with him. Really good work.”

— Derrick, Rising Grade 3 Student, Parent Testimonial